This tutorial is from Maria José do Rio Tinto who I thank for letting me translate her tutorials


Original - Here



> Save the Preset in the PSP's Preset shapes folder


Unlimited 2
Edge, Squares


01. Open the material on psp / Duplicate (shift+d) / close the originals
02. Choose two colors for your tube: a dark color for the foreground and a light color for the background
03. Prepare a Radial gradient
0/10/invert unchecked/50-50

04. Open a new transparent image measuring 900 x 600px
05. Paint the image with the gradient
06. Effects / plugins / Simple / Zoom Out and Flip - apply 3 times
07. Layers / duplicate
08. Layers / New Raster Layer
09. Paint the layer with a light color
10. Effects / Plugins / Unlimited 2 / Edge, Squares / Square Edges 01

11. Activate the Preset shape / Locate tool and select the preset [Burst 2] with the size and location of application as you prefer
12. Click on the drawing layer, right-click and select Convert to raster Layer
13. Copy the tube character and paste it as a new layer
14. Position it over the design formed by the preset shape
15. Copy the flower tube and paste it as a new layer
16. Make adjustments to the two tubes as you see fit (resize, drop shadow, position)
17. Put your signature
18. Merge all
19. Save as jpeg




Value the translator’s work. In addition to the link to the original work, also include the translation link. Thank you very much!

Valorar el trabajo del traductor. Además del enlace a la obra original, incluya también el enlace a la traducción. ¡Muchas gracias!


Tutorial traduzido em 10/12/2023


