Tube de personagem
Plugin VM Toolbox/ Tiler
Plugin Medhi/ Sorting Tiles
Plugin Flaming Pear/ Flexify 2
Plugin Simple/ Left Right Wrap
Plugin Caroline and Sensibility/ CS-DLines
Plugin [AFS IMPORT]/ sqborder2
Plugin Graphics Plus/ Cross Shadow
Plugin Graphics Plus/ Button Beveler III

1 - Abra o tube no PSP.
2 - Escolha duas cores e faça um gradiente Linear 0/ 0/ Invert desmarcado
    Cor escura no Foreground, cor clara no Background

3 - Abra uma imagem 1000X600. Pinte com o gradiente
    Edit/ Copy no tube

4 - Selections/ Select all.
    Edit Past Into Selection. Selections/ Select None
5 - Effects/Image Effects/ Seamless Tiling/ Default

6 - Adjust Blur/ Gaussian Blur/ 20

7 - Adjust/ Add Remove Noise/ Add Noise/ Uniform/ 20/ monochrome marcado

8 - Effects/ Plugins/ VM Toolbox/ Tiler/ 122/ 46/ 26/ 106

9 - Effects/ Plugins/ Medhi/ Sorting Tiles/ 150-300/ 172/ Crossed

10 - Effects/ Reflection Effects/ Rotating Mirror/ Default

11 - Effects/ User Defined Filter/ Emboss3

     12 - Layers/ Duplicate
Effects/ Plugins/ Flaming Pear/ Flexify 2/ -90/ -180/ -84/ 120/ 33/ 0/ transparent gaps marcado/ best/ none/ equirectangular/ square/ normal
13 - Effects/ Plugins/ Simple/ Left Right Wrap
Effects/ Plugins/ Flaming Pear/ Flexify 2/ -90/ -180/ -84/ 120/ 33/ 0/ transparent gaps marcado/ best/ none/ equirectangular/ frangipani/ normal
14 - Image/ Resize/ By Percentage marcado/ 80/ Percent
     Resize All Layers desmarcado
15 - Effects/ Image Effects/ Offset/ Horizontal/ -130/ Vertical/ 0/ Custom/ Transparent
16 - Layers/ Duplicate
     Image/ Mirror/ Mirror Horizontal
17 - Layers/ Merge/ Merge Down
 Effects/ Distortion Effects/ Punch/ 50
18 - Effects/ Plugins/ Caroline and Sensibility/ CS-DLines/ 40/ 5
19 - Effects/ 3D Effects/ Drop Shadow/ 0/ 0/ 100/ 30,00. Preto
20 - Layers/ New Raster Layer

     21 - Layers/ Arrange/ Move Down
Pinte de branco

     22 - Aplique a Narah_Mask_1231
 Layers/ Delete. Layers/ Merge/ Merge Group
23 - Mude o Blend Mode para Luminance(L)
     Diminua a opacidade em 55%
24 - Selecione a Raster 1 e aplique o Plugin [AFS IMPORT]/ sqborder2/ 35/ 34/ 215/ 0/0/0/0/0
25 - Edit/ Copy no tube
     Edit/ Paste as New Layer
26 - Layers/ Arrange/ Bring to Top. Posicione a gosto
     Redimencione se necessário e aplique uma sombra a gosto
27 - Image/ Add Borders/ Symmetric marcado/ 2/ branco
     Edit/ Copy
28 - Selections/ Select All
     Image/ Add Borders/ Symmetric marcado/ 50/ branco
29- Selections/ Invert
     Edit/ Paste/ Into Selection
30 - Adjust Blur/ Gaussian Blur/ 20
     31 - Effects/ Plugins/ Graphics Plus/ Cross Shadow/ 50/ 50/ 50/ 50/ 50/ 50/ 128/ 128
32 - Effects/ Plugins/ [AFS IMPORT]/ sqborder2/ 35/ 34/ 215/ 0/0/0/0/0
 Effects/ Plugins/ Graphics Plus/ Button Beveler III/ 20/ 180/ 140/ 100/ 100/ 128/ 128/ 128

     33 - Selections/ Invert
 Effects/ 3D Effects/ Drop Shadow/ 0/ 0/ 100/ 30,00. Preto. Como no item 21
     Selections/ Select None
34 - Image/ Add Borders/ Symmetric marcado/ 2/ branco
 Image/ Resize/ By pixels marcado/ Width/ 1000. Resize All Layers marcado
35 - Adjust/ Sharpness/ Sharpen
36 - Edit/ Copy no nrb_art_deco_76
     Edit/ Paste as New Layer
37 - Edit/ Copy no nrb_art_deco_77
     Edit/ Paste as New Layer
38 - Posicione com a ferramenta Picks/ Position X/ 2,00/ Position Y/ 165,00
     Layers/ Duplicate. Image/ Mirror/ Mirror Horizontal
39 -  Edit/ Copy no texto
      Edit/ Paste as New Layer. Posicione a gosto
40 - Layers/ Merge/ Merge All
     Assine e salve em Jpeg
Outro Modelo:
Tube1: Nena Silva
Tube2: Luz Cristina
Tutorial criado por Natália Raposo em maio de 2024